Native Video Box - Decentralized video discovery platform that offers an alternative to YouTube, such as cryptococcus that challenges traditional banking

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Native Video Box (NVB) is a decentralized video discovery platform that offers an alternative to YouTube, such as cryptococcus that challenges traditional banking. Token NVB is used as a payment tool in our community-based services, which distribute video content across the global network of websites.

This is an independent platform for native ads with an organic and "environmentally friendly" approach to advertising, which allows the site to improve the user experience with relevant and relevant content. NVB distributes 75% of ad revenue between content creators (15%) and website owners (60%): in other words, between those who directly create content and those who bring it to the audience.

Our mission is to deliver videos that people will love, but never know exist. And website help is more wrong. a higher revenue stream from booming video ads on the market. That's 4200% increase over the last 10 years + generating $ 13.6 billion in 2017, but we're confident we'll grow faster than this, because of machine learning algorithms that allow us to seamlessly integrate video into web pages.

We've been programmatically linked to over 100,000 advertisers and our local appeal has surpassed $ 1.5 million. We also help website owners, advertisers and creators get more
eliminating middlemen Because unlike other advertising services, we not only bring video ads and monetization to website owners, but also give them 'Unique' content inventory that improves the website user experience.

The Original Video Box also solves a number of issues faced by video creator bloggers and other content. By giving them the option to spread their videos outside of their photos, regular video-host viewers and the opportunity to get paid from an additional income stream as well!

According to our predictions, NVB will be able to offer creators higher than average revenue streams from YouTube in time.
And when creators succeed, advertisers simultaneously gain fresh access to high quality advertising inventory, in-stream ads on licensed videos that understand viewer prices and exposure beyond their traditional video hosting services.
We can guarantee system transparency using 100% token billing system based on a100% on smart contract. None of our competitors on the market today can offer this.

Native Video Box (NVB) was originally launched in Russia in early 2016 as the platform's original video for websites with editorial content. We want to think of ourselves as a group of creative minds who have set out to change game video game games.

How does tokenization technology work?
Token and blockchain make it possible to deploy a YouTube-like Original Video Box ecosystem like crypto that resembles a traditional bank. Token sales proceeds will be used to develop a fair and effective ecosystem.
Original Video Box Token (NVB) is the service currency, which has the following roles in the ecosystem:
1. Prizes for participants: publishers and creators
2. Security deposit and minimum Participation balance
3. Payment for NVB platform services
Due to the query nature of the NVB quote, it's an easy way to make payments for individual bloggers or individual publishers in different countries, resolving issues with high financial clearing and regulatory documents and high payment commissions from fiat banks (for currency conversion).
Who will benefit from using NVB?

NVB is designed to benefit various internet video market players such as:
publishers, advertisers and creators (vloggers etc.).

Power position

We provide websites with relevant video content in combination with monetization solutions, while ensuring brand value and a safe environment for advertisers.

Pocket Friendly Profits.

Historical platforms like YouTube and other well-known video-hosting sites are distracting the media industry by providing a new generation of video content creators the opportunity to monetize their content. However, the original monetization system is valid for a while. But over time
the costly cost of the platform and the centralized working model of modern videohosting becomes more biased to meet the needs of intermediaries between layers of community content.

According to Never Stop Marketing Jeremy Epstein, intermediaries earn ¢ 44 from every $ 1 on every link in the advertising cost chain. We agree with Epstein that the advertising industry is poised to take a step forward.

In short, this platform works when someone visits one of NVB's advertising network sites, using the algorithm. The system automatically selects most of the relevant videos from the NVB video base. The miniature will be shown to the visitor with a short description and the person will choose the video they like best, as soon as the video player opens to display the video, but before the video starts playing the video will be a pre-roll ad, which is a 15 second video ad . All revenues generated from publicity are shared between the owners of the webmaster, rights owner and platform.

NVB Token

NVB Token is a utility token based on the Ethereum platform in accordance with ERC20 Standard. During the pre-sale period and NVINO ICO 20M is printed and sold for $ 1, without any way to create a new one as a result of NVB's actions or other entities.

The NVB team is committed to distributing impressions delivered through the outlined mechanisms, with no incoming /
cash outflows other than those required for purchase (or realized as a result) from the purchase / sale of tokens.

NVB Token is the service currency: all transactions between system participants
only done in tokens. NVB network is monetized with in-stream ad load. For
Getting ad impressions, advertisers need to purchase NVB tokens.

Token Distribution

Token name: NVB
Total Token Supply: 22 975 000 NVB
Destination: 15 000 000 $
Token Distribution:
Project team 8%
Advisors 4%
Bounty 3%
Referral program 5%
Token buyer 80%

Due to participating in the ICOS platform, the Original Video Box must pay a token to ICOBOX for 240 BTC.

Distribution of funds

Development of 55%
20% Marketing
Operation 10%
10% Law
5% Network growth


01/12/2017 - 31/12/2017

The main sales
01/01/2018 - 15/04/2018

Publish token
16/04/2018 - 20/04/2018

Payment method

Due to participating in the ICOS platform, the Original Video Box must pay a token to ICOBOX with a value of 240 BTC. The Original Video Box team and advisors are not eligible to sell their NVB benchmarks, up to six months after the token is issued.

Advisory and token vesting teams.
The NVB team and advisers may not sell their shares from Token NVB until after six months after issuance.

For More Information, Please Visit the Website below :

Profile : abdullahtakesi
My ETH : 0xC0134c6deB80a4550408dBF7E56c864d4BF6E65e


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