LANCE CHAIN - Decentralized marketplace for both freelancers and project owners

LanceChain is the decentralized marketplace for both freelancers and project owners, based on the blockchain ecosystem. We revolutionize the current way freelancing works by removing the middlemen between the freelancer and the customer. With 0% commission, additional security on every project and careful talent management, we are a one stop shop for everyone who needs or offers freelance based work. Our mission is to bring the freelancer closer to the customer and vice versa, while removing all unnecessary obstacles and ensuring proper talent allocation. We believe in the ingenuity, professionalism and talent of the freelancing world and want to bring those qualities to the next level! We at LanceChain want to start with the first by thanking the community, for supporting our public announcement and marketing campaign. We've been getting feedback from everyone to customize the best products for our community. We have also spent substantial and substantial ...